What We can Do for You!
DC Recruiting is committed to helping you achieve your employment goals! Choose what services will best serve your needs! No intake appointment necessary! . Call, email, or, text and we can get started right away!
Call or text: 905-981-1115
FREE Job Search Assitance!
Too busy to job search? Let me do it for you! I'll use my network to get your name out there! No intake appointment, no personal questions!
Call, email, or text, to get started!
Interview Coaching! Fixed Price! $60.00
Need some practice at interviewing, or, has it been a while since your last one? Let me help you prepare with a PowerPoint presentation and a chance to speak with a professional!
Just a Resume! Starting at $50.00
For those that just want a resume or a resume review. No signing up for anything, no surveys or giving out a ton of personal information!
Happy to help with a cover letter too! Get an up-to-date resume to hand out and upload to any electronic platform!
Call, email, or text, to get started!